Contacts can typically be added in one of three ways:
- They can text in your opt-in keyword(s). You can view opt-in keyword information from your Opt-in Keywords page.
- They can sign-up via your sign-up page.
- If you already have consent from people to send them messages, you can add them manually from your Control Panel under the Contacts tab, either one-by-one or by importing a spreadsheet.
If you primarily use the mobile app, you can check out the article on adding contacts for mobile app users here.
More advanced methods of adding contacts are via QR code and through integrations or API. For more information on QR codes click here. For more information on integrations click here and on API click here.
Opt-in keywords
Your account will come with at least one free opt-in "keyword." This is a word that people can text in to a particular number to be automatically added to your contact list.
For example, if your keyword was sale on the number 74121, people could send a text containing the word "sale" (no quotes) to 74121 and their number would automatically be added to your database.
You can view and edit your keyword(s) from the Opt-in Keywords tab on your control panel and you can read more about opt-in keywords here. (You can also read about how to use a QR code in conjunction with your opt-in keyword here.)
Sign-up page
People can sign themselves up for your text alerts by going to a free online sign-up page that comes with your account.
You can edit information for your sign-up page under the Subscribers->Sign-Up Page tab on your control panel and you can read more about the sign-up page here.
Adding manually
You can add contacts manually by clicking the "Add" button on the Subscribers->Manage Subscribers tab on your control panel.
If you have a list of multiple contacts that you want to add at once, you can set up a spreadsheet in the correct format and import it under Contacts->Import Contacts. You can read more about importing contacts here.
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