Anything that you can just "set and forget" is a big win for any business, saving you both time and hassle.
In addition to automated drip campaigns and scheduled messages, your Mobile Text Alerts web dashboard allows you to set up a few different kinds of automated messages that are triggered when people send in a text to your account's phone number or reply to one of your messages.
Automated Reply messages can be set up and managed under the Messages-->Automated Replies tab:
New Subscriber Reply
This section allows you to set up an automated reply to send out to any new subscriber who sends a text into your account's phone number. (Note that this reply would not get triggered if the user sends in a word that you've set up as a Keyword or as a Smart Reply - more on Smart replies below.)
Just type in the content for the automated reply that you'd like new subscribers to receive and then click "Save."
Smart Replies
What Are Smart Replies?
With Smart Replies you can automatically send customized responses to your subscribers' message replies, triggered based on the specific word your subscriber sends in. This process enables you to create an engaging and interactive experience for your subscribers with little effort on your part.
How to Set Up Smart Replies
From the Smart Replies section you can set up and manage your Smart Replies.
Clicking "Add Free Smart Reply" will allow you to add a new reply word that will trigger an auto-response:
Whenever someone replies to your messages with the "Smart Reply" word, they will automatically receive back the message designated in the "Auto-Response."
For example, you could set up the word Deals as a Smart Reply and could set it up so that if anyone texts in the word Deals they'll get a message letting them know about the latest deals.
Once a Smart Reply is added, you'll be able to to view and make changes to it from the main Smart Reply view.
Toggling on the "Contact Card" or "Sign-up Page" options on the main view will automatically include your account's contact card and/or a link to your sign-up page in your Smart Reply's auto-response. (You can edit the contact card or sign-up page by clicking the "Edit" buttons above your list of Smart Replies.)
You can remove a Smart Reply from your account by clicking the "Delete" button on the row of the Smart Reply that you'd like to remove.
You can make changes to a Smart Reply by clicking the "Edit" button on the row of the Smart Reply that you'd like to edit.
Smart Reply Workflow Examples
Below are some examples of ways you could use Smart Replies.
In the first example, someone has texted in the opt-in keyword "TestingMTA" to a designated number, and has received an automated message indicating that they should reply "Appointments" for info on appointment times, or "Deals" for info on current offers.
Depending on what word the subscriber replies back with, they will receive another automated reply.
You could set up a workflow similar to the screenshot above, or you could set up a series of automated texts with different reply words prompted in each response, as shown in the example below:
There is no limit to how many "Smart Reply" trigger words and responses you can set up, so the options are wide open!
Default Reply
To set up an automated response for all other cases except the "New Subscriber Reply" and "Smart Replies" mentioned above, as well as keyword replies, you can input message content into the "Default Reply" section.
You can toggle the "Default Reply" on or off, and can type in whatever message content you'd like into the text box.
You also have the option for the automated reply to only send "within a certain timeframe" - for example, if you want to have an "after hours" automated response that only sends outside of working hours.
If you select that option, you're able to designate which days/times you'd like your "Default Reply" to be active. Click on the days of the week and then enter the time period for each day. (If you want the same time period for each day that you selected, you can click "Copy time to all" after inputting the time period for the first day, and the time period will automatically be inputted for the rest of the days.)
If someone sends a reply to your account during the timeframe you selected, the auto-response will not be triggered.
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